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Visit the Official Web Site of the Society of Sbandieratori of Gubbio

    Palazzo del Bargello
    06024 Gubbio (PG)
    Tel. 075/9272673
    e-mail: info@sbandieratori.com

Storical Notes:
The art of flag playing in Gubbio is known since the medieval period. Some storical documents kept in the comunal archive, testify the presence of the flag displayers (Sbandieratori) already in that period. A document of 1380 indicates that Petruccio Luca was asked to decorate the Flags; in 1435 the city had a group of "Standard bearers".

The present Group of Flag Displayers was formed in 1968 in the Society of Balestrieri of Gubbio, in order to transmit to further generations and enhance the show of centuries of the Palio della Balestra.
In 1999, with the common decision, the Group of Flag displayers broke away from the Society of Balestrieri, even though still maintaiing the final original aims and became a society in its own rights with its own statute and legal acknowledgement as ONLUS (Unlucrative Society of Social Utility).
Therefore, even recognizing the importance and the merit which the Society of Balestrieri had in the birth of the group of Sbandieratori, it now has an autonomous life and is administered by its own Council, but continues its work of publicating the eugubinian traditions in the world.
The present flags were made by Oscar Piattella, inspired by the signs of the alphabet of the antique umbrian poeple represented on the "Tavole Eugubine",(Eugubinian Plates), which prof. Giacomo Devoto described as being "the most important ritual text in the whole classical anquity".

During the recent modern history the Sbandieratori of Gubbio have had more than 1100 manifestations in all the world, visiting 35 countries spread out in all the world, proving to be an excellent promotional touristical instrument for Gubbio and in this way rejoining ties with italian communities of immigrants, esprecially eugubinians.

The society is represented by:
             President: Prof. Giuseppe Sebastiani.
             Vice president: Paolo Menichetti.

Among the manifestations on the calendar there is the Palio della Balestra and other manifestations which, even though being habituary, cannot be considered definite.
