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    c/o the President
    Via Montegrappa, 3
    06024 Gubbio (PG)
    Tel. 075/9274904

Storical notes:
Since the Xll century in Gubbio there was a clear demonstration of organized cooperation, especially when the artisans managed to let the Captain of the People, an important image, enter in the management of the free Commune. In the documents he was described in various ways: rector artium et populi, prior artium, prior artium et populi, capitaneus et defensor arti.

The Corporations had rules, collected in the Statutes, which regarded mixed professional Ethics at the disposition of their protection.
The corporations of the commmunal age created a new original way of resolving numerous difficult problems of the members. In particular, the Corporations which made even the smallest rules of their own art, with a precise internal organization. They contributed in a determinate way to the splendour of Gubbio where the University of Dressmakers, and other handcraft corporations, remained alive with time for having continued their activities according to the rules of the Statute without interruption.

The most antique statute of Art of Dressmakers still existent, composed of 60 regulations dating back to 21 January 1625, is conserved in the Statal archive of Gubbio.
To maintain and pass over precious witnesses of the eugubinian craftmanship to the new generations, which has origin in the noble forms of medieval associationship, in the eighth centenary of the death of the protector and Saint, S. Omobono from Cremona, (1997 - 1998), the University of dressmakers wanted to repropose new rules, with a new statute as an organization without any profit, but only for social utility (ONLUS), maintaining respect for the spirit of the antique traditions.

The new statute, subscribed with the notary act on the 30th September 1998, reconfirms that the University of Dressmakers is the follow-up of the antique and glorious Corporation of the Art of Dressmakers which was already denominated in all these centuries: ars sartorum sive sutorum, including even those who worked with skins, pellipariorum, told in the story of our city since 27 December 1326 (Statute of the Commune).

The University unites all those working individually and those who work in shops and factories, with the intention of improving and protecting their art, maintaining alive their traditions in quality through the ages, with products which are the results of conscient working, ability, phantasy and creativity.

Protecting its members, in their activities.

Promoting initiatives for the cultural and moral growth and for the professional and business qualification of its members, offering even professional courses for the youth and specialization courses for its members.

Acting as connection with the Commune and other Associations in order to improve initiatives taken to protect the artistic and scenic patrimony of our territory, and promote studies of eugubinian history.

Promoting and participating in congresses, shows, exhibitions, study courses and other activities which regard the Art of Dressmakers.

Taking care of the appointments of social life and free time exhibitions for its members.

Solemnize the festa of the Patron of this Art, Sant'Omobono, which falls on the 13th November, in the church of S. Giuliano, where on the first altar on the right the image of the Patron Saint is adored: a painting which was painted in the first decenary of the XVlll century, when the church was handed over to the University of Dressmakers. Recently that painting has been restored thanks to the Menichetti Confesioni s.r.l. firm of Gubbio.

Helping its members, who are in particular need, with concrete solidarity.

The University is represented by:
             President: Bruno Ragni Calzuola.
             Vice President: Elvio Tittarelli.
             Secretary: Marcello Lioli.
             Councillors: Raffaela (Yvonne) Sollevanti Menichetti, Alvaro Fiorucci,
                             Guido Ciarrapica, Dario Stocchi.

             Festa of St. Omobono, on the 13th November, with a large participation
             of dressmakers and pensioners.
