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   Ulf Rennert is not eugubinian of origin, but chose to live in Gubbio with his family.
He has his laboratory of sculpture at his house on the hills of St.Martino in Colle.
Ulf was born in Germany in the city of Kassel on the 22nd of June 1961.
   Raoul Ratnowski taught him sculpture. Since 1986 he works on his own projects and executions in the field of sculpture, architectonical sculpture (organic architecture) and particular kinds of furniture in Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Spain.
   His artistic vein parts from the presupposition that man does not demonstrate to have neither rectangles nor straight lines, especially when he is in movement, and therefore even in his habitat he needs elements which corrispond to this reality.
In his artistic work the following elements are present: The "Flow" and the "Movements of life".
   According to him, living on the hills of Gubbio also means keeping his senses in movement.

He has his study in:

Loc. S.Martino in Colle
06020 Gubbio (PG)
Tel. 075-9229994
E-mail: mlusi@libero.it
