The devotion for St. Ubaldo strongly ties Thann to Gubbio, to the point of the people of Thann saying: "Thann est la fille ainee de Gubbio"
(Thann is the first daughter of Gubbio).
Also for this reason it is for the best that the first "Circle of the Area" of our Association "Eugubini in the world" is formed in Thann:
(Circle St.Thiébaut).
During the centuries the connections between Gubbio and Thann were frequent and never interrupted. Already in the early 1289 Benvenuto, Bishop of Gubbio (1278 - 1294) had been to Alsace, as delegate of the Pope.
In the middle of the 1400 the prior of Thann, Nicolas De Wolfach, probably, came to Gubbio to copy the Life of St. Ubaldo written by Teobaldo and the Lithurgy for the Festa of St. Ubaldo; in fact both the texts are included in the Code of Thann.
In 1544 the priests Ulrich and Thiebaut Hess came to Gubbio where the tradition of the finger of St. Ubaldo at Thann was credible enough to the point that in the consignment document of the Church of St. Ubaldo to the "Regular Lateranese Priests" (1512) it was specified that the body of the Saint had a part of the thumb missing.
In 1705 a delegation lead by Louis de Rouffach and in 1730 the priests Sigismond Gobel and Colin de Valoreilles were again in Gubbio, with the aim of verifying the tradition of Thann, which in the meantime had been put in serious doubt by the recognition of the body of St. Ubaldo in 1593, in which it is stated:
"Corpus inventum intactum cum omnibus suis partibus nullo carens digito nec alio membro..." (the body was found intact with all its parts, with no finger or other member missing...).
Nevertheless, apart from these facts, the people of Thann never stopped believing in the legend, and in its truth, and in 1761 there was a great feast to celebrate the sixth centenary of the foundation of the City. Then the French Revolution, the napoleonic period, the restauration and the wars of the italian revival made the century pass without any contacts, but in 1860, for the preparation of the seventh centenary of the city, the people of Thann came forward again: the dean of Thann, Jean Grienemberger, asked the Bishop of Gubbio, Innocenzo Sannibale (1855-1891), for a small relic of St. Ubaldo, to have something certain. In this occasion small parts of the scalp and parts of the gloves which for centuries covered the holy hands, were sent to Thann. But no assurance of the authenticity of the relic was possible, and the bishop even had to repeat that which was in the recognition of 1593, that is that the body of St. Ubaldo was intact.