The school was opened in 1978 as a desire of Guerriero Spataffi, who always followed it with love as if it were one of his creatures and even today he still forms the teaching nucleus of the "School", together with the lute master, Ildebrando Minelli and the architectural master, Enrico D'Argento.There are also other experts of specific subjects in the teaching program. The formative activity is of high qualification and specialization.
The students come not only from Italy but also from other parts of Europe and foreign countries.
The number of the students are never more than twenty, divided up in the three years course.
At present the school is situated in Piazza San Pietro, in the antique
monastery of San Pietro,
tel. 075/9272640.
The subscribtion and the attendance to the courses are free. The students are repaid with a daily indemnity.
At the end of the three years, after a final exam, the students receive a diploma.
The teaching program includes mostly the practical practice and construction of musical bow instruments such as violins, violas, Violoncellos, lutes, and classical guitars, but there are also theorical subjects such as: Music, Drawing, Acustics, wood technology, the story of art, and chemistry. The instruments built by the students remain property of the "School" and represent the permanent documentation of their completed work. They are therefore property of the
Regione of Umbria
, which finances this initiative.
Apart from the diploma, the school provides the students with a great professional preparation and nobody, once they return to their home country, has had difficulty in finding work. Some have remained in Gubbio, for example the argentinia
Carlos Michelutti,
son of native Italians, who opened a craft shop of lute makers in our city.